Just some general rants…

I’m watching Dancing With the Stars at the moment, and Danni Minogue just came on to sing (yes, Kylie’s ickle bubbie sister). Now, aside from the fact that the song, in my opinion, sucks, she fell into that popstar trap. Why do they have to have dancers (note the plural) of the opposite sex follow them around as if they are the most desirable, beautiful, wonderful, attractive people ever? Is it to convince the rest of us mere mortals that they are more attractive than us? If so, it’s not working on me. All I’m thinking is that they look like idiots, and a lot of the time they sound like idiots. And I have the music experience to back that up, so I’m not going all ‘mainstream-music-sucks’ on everyone. In fact, I’m a big pop fan. I watch musicals regularly. I’ve played the piano for 15 years and the flute for 10. I can hear songs from the 60s to today, and if they’ve been any kind of minor hit, chances are I can name it. My CD collection ranges from classical to jazz to rock to pop to any weird thing that looked interesting the last time I was in a music store. I know my music, and believe me, having dancers prance around bad singers doesn’t make the singing sound any better. Sorry Danni.

And, from watching the ads: RADIO RENTALS, YOU SUCK! Is it any wonder that bankruptcy is at an all time high when idiot companies prey on today’s capitalist consumerist society and offer credit with no credit history checks? What the hell is wrong with people? Why do they offer people things they can’t afford? I hope the housing market collapses completely and sends all the horrible companies bankrupt when they can’t make their money back from selling the houses of people who were too greedy and stupid to buy what they can afford. See, I’m an equal opportunity blamer. You can’t only blame the companies, and you can’t only blame the people (crosses her fingers and hopes that none of the companies she is keeping her money with go bankrupt). If I can’t afford the brand new computer, I don’t get it. I don’t go running to the bank and say “look at this computer, I really want it, can I have the money?” (which I already know they’ll give me, since they offer it regularly without me asking them for it), I look at a different computer, or I wait until I’ve saved some money. Try it some time.

I’m so grumpy today…

Sorry for not posting for a while, I’m drowning in life at the moment.

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